Almost Human Are They Ever Going to Continue the Series

Almost Human (TV Series 2013–2014) Poster

8 /10

Another superb show canceled

Warning: Spoilers

Yet again TV Executives show poor judgment, canceling a TV show that showed great promise. I guess the future of TV is cheap 'reality' shows and hours of narcissistic 'z-celeb's'.

Almost Human was an excellent TV show, boasting not only an amazing cast (fronted by the criminally underrated Karl Urban), but also well written scripts.

This was backed up by what seemed to be genuine chemistry between the cast, making each episode even better.

It should have been a show that ran for far more than its 1 season.

TV Executives have shown (yet again) that they should never be trusted with science fiction.

Unfortunately, many are unaware of shows like this until they make it onto the likes of Netflix or Amazon.

They then quickly gain a deserved following, with viewers genuinely hacked off that the show was canceled prematurely.

Even more unfortunately, it leaves many questions unanswered, and we can only hope that as with Firefly, Almost Human at least gets 1 movie to answer some of these questions.

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9 /10


Okay this series has a _strong_ beginning. The acting is competent, the buddy cop dynamic works well, the main characters are both relate-able and interesting. The mythology or ongoing story seems to have strong promise for depth and longevity, at least the way it is hinted, we can see that it is most likely a longer mystery story.

The backdrop of high technology is very Phillip k dick. It's particularly reminiscent of do androids dream of electric sheep/blade runner, and in a progressive way that actually adds something. In fact the setting here further explores the consequences and possibilities of higher technology, particularly obviously artificial intelligence, in a way that we have not seem either done, or done well in TV or movies for a long time.

The combination of this simmering back story, the thought provoking setting, the procedural buddy cop dynamic, are basically bound make a brilliant show.

You might see the whole concept is cliché, but actually its not. It's rarely well explored territory, and thus particularly the way its executed, very fresh and new. This is serial genre TV very worth watching. Also as others have said, it does have a high production value.

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Excellent - Just Excellent

Both the production values and script are excellent. Strong character interplay reminiscent of Alien Nation (so many years ago) If compared to any other shows or movies, think Blade Runner , Minority Report. I hope they can maintain both the production levels and build on the intrigue established thus far.

Do yourselves a favor and enjoy Almost Human for what is it and will become, and don't look for to many comparisons. Yes, it will be compared to so many other genre shows, as I have seen already in this forum, but the strength is in the portrayal of the characters. It is wonderful that FOX (of all networks) and generally free to air television are committing to such well written and produced fare for us all to enjoy

Not sure when this is coming to Australia, but I think it will be a success.

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A show that can rival Star Trek and Robocop.

I watched Almost human simply for Karl Urban. And ended up getting hooked on the whole show. The premise and the characters. It's vision of the future can rival Start Trek's bright optimistic future and Robocop's bleak criminal empire future. When Tech and science allows Criminals to get more powerful the cops need help. and they get it in the form of androids created to protect and serve. When Detective John Keenix is the sole survivor of a ambush. He lost his leg and now uses a robotic leg. But Keenix is mentally scarred. He wants answers to questions that seem to have none. Keenix hates the newer androids and is instead partnered up with a older model a DRN-1 called Dorian. The DRN lines were scrapped because of unpredictable behaviour. They have synthetic souls which allows them emotions and human like behaviour. Keenix and Dorian bond thru out the series. The potential is there to produce a great series that combines the vision of Star Trek with the reality of crime. It's been an entertaining show for it's first season and I hope it's renewed.

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A Sci-Fi Treat

Warning: Spoilers

I have only watched 2 episodes, so can't quite be sure, but if this is any indication of the quality, this is going to be a very good series.

Hope you have read the official story line.

Beyond that: The premise is pretty simple - Fighting crime - High tech.

Almost everything is clichéd, the flawed cop, the android that has a heart, cop ready to cross the line, etc., but they have executed it really well. It almost felt like watching a medium budget movie! For now I would say that its almost as good as Person of Interest (imdb rating 8.3).

Definitely worth checking out. Especially because of the many many fascinating things and ideas in the future (Its not like Brazil, 2001 A Space Odyssey, etc., though, here its more fun). At the very least you won't feel that you wasted your time.


Review after 6 episodes:

To be frank, I am not as enthusiastic as before. In all the good shows like Dexter, House, etc, the actors do an exemplary job. They make us feel what they are experiencing and it should never occur to us that they are acting, thus they should be able to suck us into the action. That is what is missing here. The actors seem a little woody/artificial.

I am still impressed by the sci-fi, but tech is never heart warming, and its interesting only for a short while, once I got over that and started watching the people and their lives, it has not been that fun.

Now they are doing filler kind of episodes where each one has a new case/story that they are solving (Seems a little like Fringe, but simpler). But from the 1st episode we know that there is a bigger villain who is closely related to the hero and they have not started on that part yet, so I think this show will get better, because the hero will become very important then as he might be the only person capable of catching the villain. And I think even the acting might get better as the series progresses. :-)... So I am sticking with this series.


Update after 9 episodes:

After a slight slump the show has picked up and is now rocking. The acting has got better and they still have a lot of sci-fi surprises up their sleeves.

I think its very difficult to do sci-fi kind of shows. Shows where relationships are the only reason of the show, they can keep tugging at our emotional strings, they can keep going round in circles and still keep us interested. But with sci-fi they need to be both intelligent and empathetic at the same time. The reason why movies like ET are a masterpiece. So I greatly applaud the people who are doing this show.


Thank you for reading. Cheers. :-)..........

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8 /10

Totally unique.

I just seen the first episode and I gotta say I'm really hooked on this show that's filled to the brim with human drama, action, humor, suspense, and mystery. But it's the human interactions between the two leads that makes the show very interesting and really thought provoking as well. Karl Urban(of Star Trek, Lord of The Rings, and of course, the utterly stellar "Dredd" fame) is really great in the role of a hard-as-nails cop who doesn't take too kindly to synthetic androids; one in particular, played by Michael Ealy, who is the complete antithesis of Urban. Ealy's character, Dorian, despite being an android, is very believable and convincing; conveying emotions that are(no pun intended) almost human. It'll be really interesting to see how their relationship plays out in subsequent episodes.

There's a lot of mystery and intrigue going on in this show so much, thankfully kept at the minimum to keep the audience guessing at the true motives of some of the characters while also giving the proceedings a heavy dose of suspense in a fantastically realized world and though it draws heavy inspirations from classic science fiction films, it weaves it's own plot and twists to keep things interesting and fresh. There are some plot points that I felt were rushed, but overall, this was a great episode to kick off the entire series. Be warned, there are some bloody scenes that are really intense, but the special effects, for a TV series, are really good and has a sense of hyper verisimilitude that, ironically enough, isn't too far-fetched. How long will it be before life-like androids begin to roam among humans in everyday life? If you don't think it's possible, then check out Raytheon, or DARPA, which are actively researching and developing this cutting edge technology. More importantly, there are lots of moral issues that should be discussed such as technology being too powerful, being replaced by androids, and as well as finding out what it means to be human and what separates man and machine.

I'd say "Almost Human" is an intelligent and thought-provoking series that within it's narrative, raises lots of questions, and though there's really no easy answers, the journey to find them is an exciting ride for those willing to undertake. I'm already anxious to see what's gonna happen next. Here's hoping that the show is successful for an entire season.

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10 /10

A fun dynamic duo

Classic cop shows have always been about the lead characters, and whether they make a dynamic duo or not. This is well on it's way to be a modern, classic cop show. Karl Urban and Michael Ealy have a FANTASTIC chemistry on screen together. I don't watch it so much for the story, as I just want to see what kind of quips and laugh out loud humour I will see from the two of them.

I am a big sci-fi fan, and this series touches on all my favourites from Star Trek, to I Robot, and even Tek Wars. The effects are above standard for a TV series, and the stories told remain unique due to the fact that with sci-fi, any and all is possible limited only by imagination. I will keep watching this for sure.

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10 /10

Perfect TV series

Almost Human is probably one of the scientific TV series that comprises action, humor, thriller , almost everything packed into one. I came across Pilot just by googling about Karl Urban and knew he played a recent TV series. I checked the episode and it was perfect. The character I liked most is Dorian, who is an Android that can have feeling like a Human. Currently,I have watched all 3 episodes released and what i can infer is that the series is must watch by all the Sci-Fi Lovers. I get feeling sometimes that this is hosted by FOX, who are expert in canceling the sci-fi series, will have same fate as that of serenity. Please let it grow. I recommend this series to all those who likes to watch sci-fi series.

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9 /10

Fox- Do Not Cancel This Show!!!

Warning: Spoilers

There is very little on TV (network AND cable) that's worth watching. I'm absolutely sick of reality shows- scripted or not. How much of the same thing can we be subjected to? But Almost Human is something me and my hubby look forward to on Monday nights. The writing is witty, fun, and the story lines engaging. The main characters have a chemistry that works well. Perhaps a few things could have been better developed- like "the wall" - which has some of us viewers scratching our heads on that one. Other than that, the show is a bright light in an otherwise dim host of TV shows. Fox, Please Do Not Cancel this show!!! I can think of others that would be better suited to the chopping block. Please don't take something good away from us!

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9 /10

Almost There, Almost Human

Almost Human, Almost there.

They're almost there, but not quite yet. This show is a great mix of first and foremost action! Great action, Karl Urban is pretty much the most spot on cast for this role they could have ever made. The same is entirely true for Michael Ealy as Dorian. They make a perfect duo, and the humor they share is hilarious. It's great to watch. The other cast members are fine to watch too. Credit must also be given to the people who play the MX's. They are just as regular as our main stars :)

Those are the things I like, if not love about this show.

There are some things that could be done better though, some in the writing department, some in the character development department.

First, I would like to know some more information about some of the side-characters. Another agent called Richard Paul, played by Michael Irby is constantly trying to discredit Dorian, and I would like to know why. Maybe he blames an android/MX for something that happened in his past, that would be a nice concept. I'm not going to cover all the other cast members, but it would be nice to see something like that for them too. Special mention goes out to MacKenzie Crook as Rudy. I love that guy, great character actor.

My second point is the way in which they catch the bad guys. I like the parts where they confront the villain a lot, don't get me wrong. They are always entertaining to watch, although some bad guys, and i do say some, because there are just as many good ones, do feel a little bit on the lightweight side when it comes to the intimidation factor. The bad guys usually get caught through a simple phone pinpoint, shipping manifests, some crap like that. It really bothers me. It's 2048 and technologies can no longer be regulated. Yet when it comes to a simple phone scramble they haven't made that much progress, obviously. It feels as a convenient plot-device to move the story along. Other than that there is not a lot else I can think of.

Every week it is a pleasure to watch Almost Human, the action is great, the weapons and technologies are great, A bomb necklace, cool guns, Robot cops (MX's), insanely strong explosive devices, drones and so forth. And the civilian technologies are fun to watch too, IPad A'la 2048. Every day stuff of the future. They are well integrated into episodes. It does a good job of making it take place in 2048.

The makings of a great show, off to a very strong start and it can only get better. They've almost nailed it, and I eagerly wait to see what becomes of this show.

I want to give this an 8.5, but I will round it up to a 9, because I have the feeling it will definitely live up to it's potential.

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9 /10

so good

Warning: Spoilers

I'm a tech geek, when I've seen Almost Human as a title, yr 2048, robots, Karl Urban, JJ Abrams it was a instant GO, and from the very 1st episode I loved it,

Karl Urban is among my favourite Actors and play John Kennex, an old fashioned cop, the guy doesn't much like high tech, but wear a robotic leg after being caught in an ambush long time ago, unfortunately for him in 2048 all investigators are paired with a droid/human AI, for John they are just trash until he must accept Dorian (M. Ealy), from an older generation, who is almost more human than him.

the chemistry between the two is absolutely great to watch, plus, Valerie (M. Kelly) who is the smartest girl around (Aerosmith is blessed or what? their daughters are gorgeous, after Liv Tyler, here is Minka Kelly), she's a Chrome, a human being genetically modified to be the best of mankind.

they will have to solved high tech case in a world within a wall, all the set is next gen even when they go out and really well made, almost real, like what our close future will look like, there is a lot of gadget you can think already exist somewhere in the MIT.

what's behind the wall?, we'll never know i guess, 1 season and Fox cancelled the show

Tech wise it's a stunning show, and the cast is really good .

a must watch

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10 /10

Hate to rate a show after only 2 episodes

However, the potential for a very good series is all here. Already we have mystery among the main characters, very good chemistry, Sci fi, good acting, cryptic backgrounds among the supporting staff and most of all, humor. Add all of that to the Hi Tech Scifi anything goes possibilities, and this show could be an endless well of new ideas for story telling.

Did someone lock all the network execs in a closet somewhere? Because so far this is year, the number of good shows has shocked me. This is one of them. I loved these first two episodes and would gladly give it a 10 but dialed back to a 9 out of caution. Too early to tell, but all the ingredients are here to make this a show we all will miss if it ends. We shall see. But so far it has been a good few weeks in TV hows(Blacklist, Dracula, Agents of Shield, Tomorrow People), color me surprised. The only thing that could make network TV better next season would be to cancel all the reality shows at once. But I will settle for this for now.

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10 /10

An unusually good sci-fi show!

I really wasn't expecting much from "Almost Human". The ads made it look like a stylized action- drama, and recent J.J. Abrams projects haven't always panned out well.

But I'm pleased to report this is the real deal. Gritty, realistic sci-fi action. Yes, it's set in the future, not in a whitewashed Starfleet Federation world, but rather in a civilization where technological development has outpaced ethical considerations. In fact, it shares many similarities to "Fringe", which isn't surprising considering the number of ex-fringe producers, especially J.H. Wyman.

After the first two episodes, it's clear that the title "Almost Human" is more a theme than a name. Karl Urban's character has a synthetic leg, and his partner is an android, a model that was discontinued because of a tendency to have human-like emotional outbursts. Neither completely man nor machine, both characters feel like outsiders to the status quo.

I'm not sure what direction the show is going for the long term, but here's hoping it gets a decent run of a few seasons. Of course, with my luck this will be canceled by Christmas while "Revolution" will run for another 4 seasons....

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10 /10

Why does FOX hate good sci-fi??

In an almost uncanny repeat of its mishandling of Firefly, FOX gave us Almost Human... and then taketh it away. This show was terrific, featuring an excellent cast, timely themes, and a near-future setting that was just enough "wow" without too much "whatever". The loss of this series just 13 episodes in left a tragic gap in current sci-fi television that has not been filled since.

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10 /10

Absolutely Fantastic

When I first started this show, I liked it and I thought it had potential, but after the first eight episodes I was almost ready to give up... Episode 9 changed that. This show is finally realizing it's full potential. I was on the edge of my seat, and I know they have a lot of really great things planned for this show. Easily worth getting over the hump (which wasn't even bad) of self-contained episodes. I think if you watch it and stick it out, you will be quite surprised when it comes to the first season wind down and beyond. The best show on right now - right up there with Game of Thrones and Rectify. A must watch for any lover of sci-fi as well.

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8 /10

Off to a Really Good Start

After Revolution was a complete disaster, i was cautious watching another J.J. Abrams branded show. But this one was good right from the beginning. The chemistry between Dorian and John Kennex is great. Its fun to see a robot with a better sense of humor than his human partner, and Dorian is a really lovable character. I'm sensing there's going to be some grand conspiracy revealing itself with Insyndicate and the synthetics, but we'll have to see. So far there has been some cool science, a lot of playful banter from Dorian as he annoys John, and a ridiculously hot female cop who i can't wait to see John hook up with.

The VFX are pretty great and impressive for a episodic TV show. They've definitely got a cyberpunk-ish feel thats almost a mix between i-robot, minority report and continuum. Despite the show featuring future sciences, its nothing implausible and they use a lot of hypothetical sciences scientists are just beginning to test the potential of today; like graphene or IR camera disruption. The show is about future technologies spreading way too fast for law enforcement to keep up with, and they paint that note really well.

I want to see a bit more about where society is outside of the station and the way gang warfare has changed over the decades. Getting a steady recurring antagonist the audience can become familiar with could definitely take this show to the next level. So far i'm really liking this show and i'm glad to see more.

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8 /10

A solid show

Almost Human is just the way I like it: - Good production values - Well-crafted characters (even if some of them are walking clichés) - Interesting and not overly complicated stories - Every now and then something I haven't seen or heard before

A.H. provides fun, action and coolness. Not an awful lot of it all, but just enough.

There 's just one small issue. (And this happens way too often in Hollywood!) Very much like in The Mentalist, the eye candy (Amanda Righetti) is just that; eye candy. In Almost Human the eye candy is impersonated by Minka Kelly. And she has no real function besides that. (Well, she is the love interest of Karl Urban, but that really falls under the same category, doesn't it) Will her clothes ever get dirty? No. Will her hair ever not be perfect? No. Will she ever express rage or fury? Or sadness? Probably no. See where I'm going with this?

So dear producers/directors and make-up artists: Would you please give her something useful to do? She is not a cop, but a model who happens to work at a police station. Maybe make her only 70% pretty and 30% a real cop? Please. Change. That!

Thank you!

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9 /10

Finally, a scifi show with character(s)!

Warning: Spoilers

I have to say I wasn't overly looking forward to this show. Why? Well, it's a police drama, which has been done to death. Also it has a kind of predecessor in Alien Nation, and I'm not a big fan of retreading old ground. However, I have been very pleasantly surprised.

For too long we've been subjected to scifi shows with plenty of effects, plot and action, but little in the way of characterisation. The likes of Revolution and Continuum spring immediately to mind.

Now comes Almost Human and let me say, on the strength of the first two episodes, it is a massive breath of fresh air to an otherwise stagnant room full of flatulent scifi dramas! The main difference is the fact that AH has actual characters in it. Both Karl Urban's cynical detective and Michael Ealy's android with feelings shine. The interplay between the characters is just so well done that it makes you realise just what is lacking in other shows.

It doesn't hurt, of course, to have a decent, big-name, actor in the lead role and Urban carries this role seemingly effortlessly.

In addition, the near-future tech is nicely done, augmenting the show rather than dominating it.

At its most basic, the show is a police procedural. There's already been plenty of planting of future threads that will be explored and, overall, the show is full and satisfying. Entertaining.

The best praise I can give to any show is to say that I am disappointed when it is over. Well, that goes double for AH.

SUMMARY: A show with actual characters, rather than caricatures. Very entertaining and not over the top. Hopefully it will run and run.

EDIT: So Fox cancelled it. Of course they did. I don't know what possessed me to think that they wouldn't. Clearly I didn't learn from the Firefly fiasco. Another promising series cancelled by people that think appealing to the retard demographic makes them more money. Thank God not all networks/cable channels think this way.

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9 /10

A great deal of well done originality

I don't watch much television, I cannot remember when I sat through an entire one hour show in one sitting - they bore me - I get this feeling I've seen it all before. At 60 years plus, I probably have. But, the first two episodes of Almost Human had me watching. I especially like the narration that was prevalent in the second episode. Instead of contrived (and boring) sequences (like a one sided phone conversation) to explain where they characters are going now, someone tells you. Genius! Love it! And a great job of narrating.

Acting is very good, effects are more than adequate. A bit of a "Blade Runner" feel to the show. A touch of humor in (so far) the right places to lighten things up. I look forward to the next episode. Keep up the good work everyone.

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Hoping for a renewal

I began watching this show almost entirely on the acting credentials of Urban. I've liked him in every role I've ever seen him in, and now that I am familiar with him - I'm seeing him in stuff I've seen before.

Saying that, one of the best things I can say about this show is - my wife loves it, and she generally hates sci-fi. In fact, the only other sci-fi show I persuaded her to watch - that she also loved - was "Firefly". So I think it goes without saying, she probably knows a good show when she sees it. We recorded the whole season and watched all of it in a few days.

The two leads are great together. They could lose the rest of the cast and still be a great show. I suspect this show only fails in ratings - because people haven't given it a chance. Like "Chuck" - another show we thoroughly enjoyed - you have to give it a chance at least ONCE, and then you're hooked.

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10 /10

Wyman Sings the Body Electric

Warning: Spoilers

With his new show "Almost Human". We've see Robots and Androids before, Mister Data on Star Trek: The Next Generation, even in the 60's with Julie Newmar as "My Living Doll (1964)" - Try to find that one, the phrase "That does Not Compute" was coined in that show. "Robots, Robots, Robots!" I can just hear Elmer Fudd now, flustered with Wobots. Wobots, BAD, "BAD Wobots"!

The concept of an intelligent computer is closer in 2013 to happening than it ever was in 1964 - In 1964, a computer with the equivalent power of a Home PC of Today, was the size of a City Block. And even today, our Windows and MAC PCs have "Microsoft Speech" and "Siri" aka "The Assistant" - And both of those can be trained to respond to our voice commands with increased accuracy every year. That is if we can get it to work and our Computers do not crash while using the program.

So in this Wyman Future we have a detective, one John Kennex (Karl "Bones" Urban) who was set up for an ambush by his girlfriend and a group called "iNsYndicate" - we don't know what that is, yet, but we do know, it's leader was played by Tim Kelleher aka "Steele" of "Dark Skies" and that they really want a severed robot head which is "live" and packed away in Evidence Locker 3336- We see this in the Pilot.

So the Mythos is set up and ready for Wyman to mete out to us in Fringe Fashion. All through most of the first season of "Fringe", we were shown that Peter Bishop was from an Alternate Universe. We all know this Robot Head is just sitting there, doing God knows What? We have been given this much to chew on.

And that is enough for me.

Kennex had been blown up in that ambush and was asleep for almost two years, and he even had been going to an illegal memory retrieval clinic to get his memories of that day back.

He was not in a hurry to come back to work, but his Boss, "Maldonado" (Lili Taylor, who was the blind girl "Marty" from the classic X-Files episode "Minds Eye") orders him in. Because iNsYndicate is back.

But a new law requires Kennex to do his Cop rounds with an MX in tow - A Robotic Partner. His first assigned parter is MX "1" (Anthony Konechny) but Kennex gets rid of this nosy nuisance with a quick push.

Maldonado then assigns Kennex a new partner - an older android, a DRN model, "Dorian" (Michael Ealy)- "One of the Crazy Ones". Where the MX models can only compute in a straight line logic format, DRN - "Dorian" Can do it like a person can, and make extrapolations on his own. This comes in handy on their first case, and solves it, something very bad would have happened.

All Tech shows need to have their "Geeks" and for Almost Human that is Mackenzie Crook as "Rudy" (A reference to the Six Million Dollar Man) who you will remember had a hard time keeping his eyeball in "Pirates of the Caribbean", and of course the sex tension is provided by Minka Kelly as "Detective Valerie Stahl".

So we have the pieces in place, batteries not included? And the show is assembling itself well like a Dell Alienware PC or a Macbook Pro. Appropriately, the music is provided by "The Crystal Method" and there are many references to Gary Numan's "Tubeway Army" - But you have to look quick. And while you are at it, keep an eye out for those things that Tony Stark keeps in his chest cavity - Those show up as well.

After Fringe went off the air, I had resolved to never watch TV again. Well, FOX has another great show on it's hands, will they kill it off or will they promote it like they should?

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8 /10

Yet another show with great potential canceled by FOX.

A cop buddy/team show with a great futuristic setting. I usually am not into procedural cop shows but the setting of this show was compelling enough to reel me in. Plus it is not 100% procedural, there is a main story arc that slowly develops.

The premise of the show is that in the future, to stop crime, police forces have recruited robots into the force. Our hero gets assigned with a model that has human like emotions. The center of the show, as you can imagine, was the human-android duo. While the show did choose the safe route instead of a more complex and difficult relationship, one of my favorite thing in the show was their conversations and how their relationship developed.

Due to the setting, the crimes were mostly really cool involving futuristic tech and whatnot and was always fun to see how they solve it with their own high tech instruments etc.

This show had lots of potential and had lots of stuff which it can go deep into but unfortunately, FOX canceled it after the first seasons (13 episodes). They really have a hate against good sci-fi shows.


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Off to a promising start

Warning: Spoilers

Cop dramas have long been a staple of network television. Since the 1970s, there has been a non-stop variety of police procedurals that have flooded the networks with varying degrees of success. The best of these, such as "NYPD Blue", have offered either something new in terms of edge or thematic material. The worst of these, which can be seen on television just about any night of the week right now, simply offers generic storytelling and static character development. "Almost Human", the new show created by from J.H. Wyman and produced by JJ Abrams, offers a fresh perspective on the cop drama: one that takes place in the future. While this may not be an entirely original concept for a cop drama (the "Alien Nation" series comes to mind), the presentation and production design helps the show feel like more than just a run-of-the-mill procedural. Only a few episodes into its first season, "Almost Human" is growing with potential and becoming smarter as it goes along. There are some tired cop clichés, such as the detective with the loved one who disappeared under mysterious circumstances, but these are far fewer than one might expect from watching the promotional materials for the show. So far, the series has been helped tremendously by the fact that both Karl Urban and Michael Ealy have a fair amount of chemistry and avoid over-acting. The comical buddy cop-style banter between the two actors is easily the best part of every episode so far, even if it does occasionally border on being too cute. It's a testament to J.H. Wyman and the creative team that the overall tone is as steady as it is. Despite the potentially goofy premise, "Almost Human" isn't silly or over-the-top nor is overly dark or dreary. Similarly, there is a distinct stylistic look to the series that is futuristic without being too flashy. Each episode is well shot and relatively fast-paced with action scenes that are brief but effective. The only real problem the show faces going forward is where it goes from here. Whether "Almost Human" becomes one of the better shows on television will depend entirely on whether it's able to continue to avoid more clichés and stale procedural case-of-the-week traps. A strictly procedural version of "Almost Human" still might be watchable with such a great cast in place, but J.H. Wyman and the writers seem to be capable of turning the show into something special and unique given time. 7/10

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9 /10

Very good!

Another excellent TV series that unfortunately didn't begin to make money fast enough for these greedy producers. The characters were charming and likable and the actors did a pretty fair job. It's a pity this one just had one season.

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9 /10

Finally a great SCI FI show!

Almost Human is a classic police drama infused with beloved science- fiction tropes. The crux of the series is right there in the title. It is asking what it means to be human in a world overwhelmed by technology. Often the most effective way to reveal what something is, is by examining what it is not. Android Dorian is in many ways more human than the flesh and blood men and women that surround him. Are the themes overly subtle? No. But the pilot is both impressive and enjoyable to watch. Ealy and Urban are charismatic leads, with great chemistry. Taylor is equally dynamic as their soft spoken, but stiff spined captain. It's easy to say, "This isn't Fringe." And it's not, that's true. Almost Human is its own animal. But lest we forget, Fringe wasn't Fringe either - not at first. It evolved, it grew into something truly special. It's still finding its feet, but this series has all of the elements, all of the potential to do just that.

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